Thursday, July 28, 2011


Thanks to a couple of fellow JETs and their handy-dandy cameras which were snapping away while I was on stage (or eating), here's a few more glances at Towada's big play date and luncheon from last month!

Here, a portion of the play group (left to right: Rianna, Melissa, Aaron, Mary, and Courtney) relaxes before we go on.
Aaron takes some time out to visit the yakiniku-man (pan-grilled beef strips). Mecha oishii!
No, I'm not farting. Just caught in the middle of doing some stretches and getting into stance before our mice go at it sumo style.
Small Mouse #2 returns to his side, exhausted and dejected after losing his first bought. Kawaisou ne!
Obaasan (Mary) and Ojiisan (Aaron) please the audience with their Vaudevillian rendition of the "hammer-slam-hop" routine.
Small Mouse #1 (Anthony) "hulk's-up" before his rematch with Large Mouse #1 (Rianna).
The lady mice are surprised after we trounce them in our respective rematches.
Quite surprised!
I help to explain our victory, and invite the girls to join us for special mochi treats served up by our loving elderly caretakers.
Now it's everyone's turn at being surprised. No senility at our house!
A grateful bunch of sumo mice showing their appreciation…
…then wrestling (er … or something) off into the sunset!
The cast.
One of several plays put on after ours; this one a retelling of "The Tortoise and the Hare."
Annnd scene.
One more group picture!