Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Visiting the "Old Country"

Welcome to Marlow, Oklahoma!

The church I first came to know the Lord in.

The Ag Dept at the school where Dad taught.

Still an Outlaw!

Don't believe me? Take a close, hard look at the fellow in the upper middle!

The house I first lived in as a baby.

Right down the road from the high school football field.

And here is the home that I remember most from that time. 3.5 acres on a gravel road outside town.

The road west from the house above. My friend "GT" lived down this way. Our horse Jake saved me from a bobcat attack, I think, on the rim of the creek on the right.

The road east where Shane and Shawn (other neighbors) lived, which heads back to town.

Before we left for the airport, Blackie and Cricket, horses that belonged to the family whose house we stayed at, wished us farewell from the fence line.

BONUS! A view of a small part of the Grand Canyon on the flight home.