Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Bat and The Rugrat

In the midst of sheltering in place, board games are a great way to pass the time. Here's out Act 1 setup for a recent play-through of the thoroughly enjoyable co-op, Batman The Animated Series: Gotham Under Siege. I was cast as Batman, my wife as Catwoman, my brother as Batgirl, and my son as Robin. Our Act setup card demanded a lot of story card management, with very few bad guys, Dr. Hugo Strange chief among them, to catch.
By early in Act 2, we had a handle on our more modest draw of story card threats, and were mopping up the streets beginning with supervillain Scarecrow, then the terrorist Red Claw, and finally mob boss Rupert Thorne.
By the time we were in Act 3, five buildings had gone down since we hadn't finished the main story card nor had we managed to stop a few rogue henchmen and ninjas from attacking the city during the Crisis Phase.
Fortunately, Act 3's main story card proved to be beneficial for us heading into Act 4, as we closed out the bad guys and managed not to lose another building. Above, you can see our status as we get ready to finish Act 4, thanks in no small part to help from the Gray Ghost!
Here are the final win conditions: five buildings down, explosion and citizen trackers held safely (if not grievously) at 2, no heroes wounded, and all villains defeated! All told, we scored an efficiency rating of 28 (good enough for second highest to-date!), based on my homebrew rules for scoring win conditions. Not too shabby!
And while Paige didn't get to play with the big kids, she kept busy perfecting her summer look!

That sleepy time look hits hard by the afternoon on a walk in Daddy's arms.

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