Friday, July 20, 2012

The Man Who Broke The Bat

And finally, the primary villain from the Knightfall saga and The Dark Knight Rises.

Male Human Legendary Strong 8/Fast 2/Tough 4/Smart 3; CR 17; LA +1
Medium-size Humanoid (height 6’ 8”, weight 350 lb.); Age unknown

Init +7; Senses (core) Listen +10, Search +3, Spot +8; Senses (house) Listen/Spot +20, Search +12
Languages Arabic (read/write only), English, Farsi (speak only), German (read/write only), Latin (read/write only), Mandarin (read/write only), Russian (speak only), Spanish

Defense (core) 25, touch 25, flat-footed 22; Defense (house) 25, touch 19, flat-footed 22; (+3 Dex, +12 class)
hp 162 (17 HD); Mas 21; DR 2/—
Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +9
Action Points 12

Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +20/+15/+10 (1d8+9 lethal/nonlethal, 20) or
Melee by weapon +18/+13/+8 or
Ranged GE minigun +16/+11/+6 (2d10 ballistic, 20, A only, 100 ft., 200 box) or
Ranged by weapon +16/+11/+6
Space 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +13; Grp +22
Atk Options Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, Streetfighting
Special Qualities legend traits (2), mask traits

Abilities Str 21 (18), Dex 16, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 14 (15), Cha 12 (14)
'(-)' indicate original ability scores.
          Note: Bane has since kicked the Venom habit and conquered the subsequent addiction, though the ordeal left him with 2 points of Wisdom and Charisma drain, already included above.
Allegiances himself, evil, the Batman; Rep +8 (+1 as [unknown]); San 59
Feats Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Combat Martial Arts, Combat Throw, Brawl, Exotic Firearms Proficiency (heavy machine guns), Improved Brawl, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Damage Threshold, Improved Initiative, Iron Will*, Personal Weapons Proficiency, Power Attack, Renown, Secret Identity (see Past), Simple Weapons Proficiency, Streetfighting, Tough Plus* (see Future), Track
* Bonus feats selected from the Legend template.
Skills (core) Bluff +7, Climb +11, Computer Use +6, Concentration +10, Craft (structural) +7, Demolitions +15, Drive +6, Hide +10, Intimidate +11, Investigate +7, Jump +13, Knowledge (behavioral sciences) +5, Knowledge (current events) +8, Knowledge (streetwise) +9, Knowledge (tactics) +14, Listen +10, Move Silently +10, Read/Write Arabic, Read/Write English, Read/Write German, Read/Write Latin, Read/Write Mandarin, Read/Write Spanish, Research +8, Repair +7, Sense Motive +11, Speak English, Speak Farsi, Speak Russian, Speak Spanish, Spot +8, Survival +6, Swim +9, Treat Injury +5, Tumble +8
Skills (house) Athletics +23, Computer Use +6, Control +10, Craft (structural) +7, Deduce +12, Demolitions +15, Drive +6, Knowledge (behavioral sciences) +5, Knowledge (current events) +8, Knowledge (streetwise) +9, Knowledge (tactics) +15, Perceive +20, Persuade +17, Read/Write Arabic, Read/Write English, Read/Write German, Read/Write Latin, Read/Write Mandarin, Read/Write Spanish, Research +8, Repair +7, Sneak +17, Speak English, Speak Farsi, Speak Russian, Speak Spanish, Survival +6, Treat Injury +5, Tumble +8
Talents (Strong) Advanced Melee Smash, Extreme Effort, Improved Melee Smash, Melee Smash
Talents (Fast) Evasion
Talents (Tough) Damage Reduction 2/—, Remain Conscious, Robust
Talents (Smart) Plan, Savant (Demolitions)
Starting Occupation (core) Adventurer (Bluff, Intimidate as permanent class skills; Brawl)
Starting Occupation (house) Adventurer (+1 on Knowledge [tactics], Persuade as permanent class skill; Brawl)
Possessions (carried weight 46 lb.) jumpsuit (2 lb.), weighted gloves (as brass knuckles; 1 lb.), General Electric M134 Minigun (34 lb.), 3 drum magazines (200 rounds each; 6 lb.), stabilizer harness (custom built and modified, this torso harness allows a user to wield a Huge-size firearm as a two-handed weapon without penalty; other physical actions, including attack rolls, are at a –2 penalty while wearing this device; donning or removing the harness takes a full-round action; 3 lb.), various personal items
Wealth Bonus +13

New Drug Venom
Potency: 8; Effect(s): Ability Enhancement: Strength (4), Constitution (4); Duration: 30 minutes; Drawback(s): n/a; Side-Effect(s): Physiologically Addictive (Fort DC 18), Psychologically Addictive (Will DC 18); Method of Use: Intravenous (3-round onset); Shelf Life: 2 months (H, R); Craft DC: 40; Purchase DC: 34 (Illegal); Time: 6 hours (1d4 doses)

Venom is an illegal, addictive psycho-anabolic steroid first synthesized from Hourman’s Miraclo formula. The drug, albeit demonstrating adaptogenic characteristics in certain subjects, is most commonly known for quickly imbuing the user with immense physical power. However, as the drug wears off, the user’s body rapidly returns to its original state, or sometimes even weaker, at which point the user suffers from massive, debilitating withdrawal, usually accompanied by terrifying hallucinations.

An addicted user who has recovered from withdrawal effects of either the physical or psychological variety, and is subjected to Venom again within 1 month of recovery, may reap added benefits from taking the drug. Refer to the table below to determine which adaptogenic effects apply to the user.

# of Consecutive Drug Uses w/o Failing an Addiction Save 
Added Benefit
The user gains an added bonus to the Strength effect as if multiple doses had been taken (+50%), without added risk
The user gains Damage Reduction 2/— (stackable with other sources of DR)
The user gains a +2 bonus on Reflex saves, and +10 (feet) to Speed

Once any of the added benefits have been achieved, it remains a part of the user’s experience with the drug each time thereafter or until he suffers withdrawal symptoms again. Furthermore, should the user voluntarily resist the temptation to use the drug (Will DC 15) three times consecutively, the user will have developed such a mastery over the drug’s grip on him that only after the sum of the threshold time periods given for each withdrawal type will he suffer negative effects (e.g. [Con mod + 12 in hours] + [Wis mod + 3 in days]).

Though perhaps the most drastic adaptogenic effect occurs when the user arranges to have injections continually fed directly into his central nervous system (i.e. the brain at the spinal column). An external device or catheter is required to constantly deliver the drug like an IV drip, which also permits the user to break up the drug’s half-hour duration into individual segments (though no more than 300 rounds; the 3 round onset period applies as a part of each use). When these conditions are met, the user experiences widespread vascular and skeletal enlargement (though the actual size difference may be marginal) which grants him the virtual size category of Large. This virtual size doesn’t affect the user’s space or reach, but does provide the following: use of improvised weapons of Large-size (one-handed) or Huge-size (two-handed); capability to inflict 2d6 base damage on unarmed attacks; a +4 bonus on grapple checks; ability to lift 2x his full carrying capacity; but also incurs a –1 penalty on attack rolls/Defense, and –4 on Hide checks. Add +1 to the challenge rating of any user who applies the drug in this way.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Cat

Now, an infamous tease and foil of the Dark Knight:

Female Human Legendary Strong Hero 2/Fast Hero 4/Smart Hero 1/Infiltrator 10; CR 17; LA +1
Medium Humanoid (height 5' 9", weight 135 lb.); Age mid to late 30s

Init +5; Senses (core) Listen +10, Search +14, Spot +10; Senses (house) Listen/Spot +20, Search +15
Languages English, Italian (speak only)

Defense 29, touch 29, flat-footed 29; Defensive Martial Arts, Dodge (+5 Dex, +14 class)
hp 88 (17 HD); Mas 12
Fort +7, Ref +14, Will +7
Action Points 12

Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +16/+11 (1d6+2 lethal/nonlethal, 20) or
Melee claw bracer +16/+11 (1d4+2 lethal, 19-20) or
Melee by weapon +11/+6 or
Ranged whip +16/+11 (1d2+1 lethal, 20, 15 ft.) or
Ranged by weapon +15/+10
Space 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +10; Grp +12
Atk Options Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Streetfighting, Weapon Finesse
Special Qualities legend traits (2), mask traits

Abilities Str 13, Dex 20 (18), Con 12, Int 16 (14), Wis 14, Cha 17
‘(-)’ indicate original ability scores.
Allegiances the downtrodden, herself, valuables, "the night," Batman; Rep +9 (+2 as Kyle); San 63
Feats Alertness, Brawl, Cautious, Combat Expertise, Combat Martial Arts, Combat Reflexes*, Defensive Martial Arts, Dodge, Elusive Target, Improved Trip, Mobility*, Nimble, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Secret Identity (see Past), Simple Weapons Proficiency, Stealthy, Streetfighting, Weapon Finesse (unarmed strikes)
* Bonus feats acquired from the Legend template.
Skills (core) Balance +15, Bluff +10, Climb +9, Computer Use +8, Demolitions +8, Disable Device +17, Disguise +6 (+8 to avoid ID), Escape Artist +15, Handle Animal +5, Hide +15 (+4 w/one-quarter concealment), Investigate +7, Jump +10, Knowledge (art) +7, Knowledge (current events) +6, Knowledge (streetwise) +8, Knowledge (technology) +5, Listen +10, Move Silently +19, Profession (socialite) +6, Read/Write English, Search +15, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +18, Speak English, Speak Italian, Spot +10 (+4 when making a sweep), Swim +4, Tumble +15
Skills (house) Athletics +20, Computer Use +8, Control +15, Deduce +16, Demolitions +8, Disable Device +22, Disguise +8 (+8 to avoid ID), Escape Artist +15, Handle Animal +5, Knowledge (art) +7, Knowledge (current events) +6, Knowledge (streetwise) +9, Knowledge (technology) +5, Perceive +18 (+2 on Listen/Spot, +4 on Spot to sweep), Persuade +10, Profession (socialite) +6, Read/Write English, Sneak +25 (+1 on Sleight of Hand, +2 on Hide [+4 w/one-quarter concealment], +4 on Move Silently), Speak English, Speak Italian, Tumble +20
Talents (Strong) Melee Smash
Talents (Fast) Evasion, Uncanny Dodge 1
Talents (Smart) Savant (Disable Device)
Talents (Infiltrator) Improved Evasion, Improved Sweep, Improvised Implements, Improvised Weapon Damage, Skill Mastery (Balance, Disable Device, Hide, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, Tumble), Sweep, Without a Trace
Starting Occupation (core) Criminal (Disable Device as permanent class skill, +1 on Sleight of Hand; Brawl)
Starting Occupation (house) Criminal (Disable Device as permanent class skill, +1 on Sneak; Brawl)
Possessions (carried weight 6 lb.) "cat-themed" jumpsuit (skintight, smooth-fiber fabrication provides +2 on Move Silently, w/pullover cowl provides +4 on Hide in at least one-quarter concealment & provides +7 on Disguise to avoid ID; PDC: 12, weighs 2 lb.), goggles (conceal Starlite night-vision lenses [equivalent to 120 ft. low-light vision]; PDC: 8 [Res +2]), lockpick set (weighs 1 lb.), mastercraft claw bracers (retractable as free action, can attack as unarmed strike and doubles as circular glasscutter but takes 2 rounds; a second Dex check is required to remove the glass section without dropping it; PDC: n/a [12], weigh 1.5 lb.), tethered-nylon whip (1d2, 20, 15 ft.; weighs 1.5 lb.), various personal items
Wealth Bonus +15

One more to go!

Thursday, July 5, 2012


And now, Batman's Janus:

Male Human Strong 2/Smart 2/Dedicated 2/Charismatic 4/Investigator 2/Gangster* 3; CR 15
Medium-size Humanoid (height 6’, weight 182 lb.); Age early 40s
* See Past

Init +1; Senses (core) Listen +7, Search +5, Spot +5; Senses (house) Listen/Spot +18, Search +13
Languages English, Spanish

Defense 20, touch 20, flat-footed 19; Defensive Martial Arts (+1 Dex, +9 class)
hp 89 (15 HD); Mas 15
Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +7
AP 20

Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed +12/+7 (1d6+3 lethal/nonlethal, 20) or
Melee by weapon +11/+6
Ranged Double Eagle pistol +10/+5 (2d6 ballistic, 20, 30 ft., S, 8 box) or
Ranged Double Eagle pistol +8/+3 (3d6, double tap) or
Ranged Double Eagle pistol +8/+3 (2d6) and
Ranged Double Eagle pistol +8 (2d6, two-weapon) or
Ranged Double Eagle pistol +6/+1 (3d6, double tap) and
Ranged Double Eagle pistol +6 (3d6, two-weapon) or
Ranged by weapon +10/+5
Space 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +9; Grp +12
Atk Options Double Tap, Drive-by-Attack, Opportunist, Point Blank Shot, Sneak Attack +1d6, Two-Weapon Fighting
Special Qualities freak traits

Abilities Str 14 (13), Dex 13, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 18 (16)
'(-)' indicate original ability scores.
AL chance/duality, justice, evil, crime, Gotham City, law; Rep +7; San 2
          Note: Harvey suffers from a severe case of indefinite dissociative identity disorder.
Feats Aircraft Operation (helicopters), Brawl, Combat Martial Arts, Confident, Deceptive, Defensive Martial Arts, Double Tap, Drive-by-Attack, Educated (Knowledge [civics, streetwise]), Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Trustworthy, Two-Weapon Fighting
Flaws Dependent: Chance (Without the toss and confirmed result of his signature double-headed coin, Harvey is pathologically incapable of making crucial decisions, and will not proceed with any significant course of action until the coin has indicated “good heads” or “bad heads,” thus rendering a decision suitable for a situation with two outcomes. Because of this perpetual doubt, Harvey suffers a –2 penalty on all Will saves which cannot be offset by any means, save erasing his dependency.)—Bonus feat selected: Two-Weapon Fighting
Skills (core) Bluff +11 (+4 toward women), Climb +6, Computer Use +6, Demolitions +8, Diplomacy +16 (+4 toward women), Disguise +9 (+4 toward women), Drive +5, Forgery +6, Gamble +10, Gather Information +14 (+4 toward women), Hide +7, Intimidate +16 (+4 toward women), Investigate +12, Jump +5, Knowledge (behavioral sciences) +7, Knowledge (civics) +12, Knowledge (current events) +8, Knowledge (streetwise) +12, Listen +7, Pilot +5, Profession (lawyer) +14, Read/Write English, Read/Write Spanish, Research +5, Search +5, Sense Motive +10 (–4* toward women), Speak English, Speak Spanish, Spot +5, Swim +5
Skills (house) Athletics +12, Computer Use +6, Demolitions +8, Disguise +10 (+4 toward women), Drive +5, Forgery +7, Gamble +10, Gather Information +14 (+4 toward women), Deduce +13 (+2 on Investigate), Knowledge (behavioral sciences) +7, Knowledge (civics) +12, Knowledge (current events) +9, Knowledge (streetwise) +12, Perceive +18 (–4** on Sense motive toward women), Persuade +21 (+2 on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate [+6 toward women]), Pilot +5, Profession (lawyer) +14, Read/Write English, Read/Write Spanish, Research +6, Sneak +12, Speak English, Speak Spanish
* Due to Harvey’s mental state and chivalrous nature, he receives a penalty on his Sense Motive checks equal to the bonus he receives for his Charm talent when interacting with women. This penalty is doubled if Harvey is likewise attracted to the woman he is interacting with.
Talents (Strong) Melee Smash
Talents (Smart) Savant (Investigate)
Talents (Dedicated) Skill Emphasis (Profession [lawyer])
Talents (Charismatic) Charm (females), Coordinate
Talents (Investigator) Profile, Contact (low-level)
Talents (Gangster) Infamy, Opportunist, Sneak Attack (+1d6), Underworld Contact
Starting Occupation (core) White Collar (Diplomacy, Research as permanent class skills, +1 on Knowledge [civics])
Starting Occupation (house) White Collar (Persuade, Research as permanent class skills, +1 on Knowledge [civics])
Possessions (total weight 9 lb.) formal outfit (designer suit often stylized in contrasting halves; 3 lb.), two-headed silver dollar (with marked and unmarked faces), twin Colt Double Eagles (.45 ACP; 3 lb. each), various personal items
Wealth Bonus +17

Up next, Catwoman!

Sal Maroni

Next up, the man who scarred Dent:

Male Human Tough 3/Gangster* 6; CR 9
Medium-size Humanoid (height 5’ 10”, weight 191 lb.); Age mid 40s
* See Past

Init +1; Senses (core) Listen +2, Search +1, Spot +7; Senses (house) Listen/Spot +13, Search +1
Languages English, Italian

Defense (core) 16, touch 16, flat-footed 15; Defense (house) 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15; (+1 Dex, +5 class)
hp 71 (9 HD); Mas 15
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +5
Action Points 6

Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +8/+3 (1d6+1 nonlethal, 20) or
Melee brass knuckles (unarmed) +8/+3 (1d6+2 lethal, 20) or
Melee by weapon +7/+2 or
Ranged Beretta pistol +7/+2 (2d4 ballistic, 20, 30 ft., S, 13 box) or
Ranged Colt submachine gun +7/+2 (2d6 ballistic, 20, 60 ft., S/A, 20 box) or
Ranged by weapon +7/+2
Space 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +6; Grp +8
Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Sneak Attack +2d6
Special Qualities street traits

Abilities Str 13 (14), Dex 12 (13), Con 15, Int 13 (12), Wis 14 (13), Cha 15 (13)
'(-)' indicate original ability scores.
          Note: Salvatore has age penalties and bonuses due to middle age.
Allegiances the Maroni family, money, evil, Gotham City; Rep +7; San 58
Feats Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Brawl, Confident, Minions (Leader score: 17; see Past), Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Renown, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Strafe
Skills (core) Bluff +7, Climb +5, Diplomacy +8, Drive +5, Gamble +9, Gather Information +9, Intimidate +11 (+16 when aiming a firearm), Knowledge (current events) +5, Knowledge (streetwise) +8, Profession (restaurateur) +5, Read/Write English, Read/Write Italian, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of Hand +8 (+10 with Beretta 84f), Speak English, Speak Italian, Spot +7
Skills (house) Athletics +5, Drive +5, Gamble +10, Gather Information +10, Knowledge (current events) +5, Knowledge (streetwise) +9, Perceive +13, Persuade +14 (+2 on Intimidate), Profession (restaurateur) +8, Read/Write English, Read/Write Italian, Sleight of Hand +8 (+10 with Beretta 84f), Speak English, Speak Italian
Talents (Tough) Robust, Second Wind (recovers 5 hp, 2/day)
Talents (Gangster) Infamy, Opportunist, Sneak Attack (+2d6), Underworld Contacts (3)
Starting Occupation Criminal & Entrepreneur (Gamble, Sleight of Hand as permanent class skills; Brawl)
Possessions (carried weight 12 lb.) formal outfit (tuxedo; 3 lb.), brass knuckles (1 lb.), Beretta Model 84f pistol (2 lb.), Colt Model 635 submachine gun (6 lb.)
          Note: As a prominent crime boss in Gotham, the Boss has access to many restricted and illegal goods, and can easily obtain most common items.
Wealth Bonus +18