Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Friday, December 20, 2019
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Another legend from the 80s/90s that I loved to watch comes to d20! (BTW, there is only one MacGyver. Cue that iconic theme!)
(circa MacGyver, Season 4, 1988)
Male Human Legendary Fast Hero 2/Smart Hero 3/Engineer* 10/Infiltrator 4; CR 20; LA +1
Medium-size Humanoid (height 6’ 1”, weight 171 lb.); Age 37
* See d20 Future
Init +3; Senses (core) Listen +3, Search +15, Spot +7; Senses (house) Listen/Spot +13, Search +20
Languages English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Sign, Spanish
Defense (core) 25, touch 25, flat-footed 22; Defense (house) 25, touch 15, flat-footed 22; Dodge (+3 Dex, +11 class, +1 equip)
hp 94 (19 HD); Mas 12
Fort +8 (+4 vs hot/cold environments, suffocation/drowning), Ref +15, Will +9
Action Points 17
Speed 30 ft. (x5)
Melee unarmed strike +12 (1d3+1 nonlethal, 20) or
Melee by weapon +12
Ranged by weapon +14
Space 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +11; Grp +12
Atk Options Combat Expertise
Special Qualities Legend (4)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 16 (15), Con 12, Int 20 (18), Wis 16 (15), Cha 14
'(-)' indicate original ability scores.
Allegiances Good, Law, the Phoenix Foundation; Rep +8; San 75
Feats Action Boost (from Future), Aircraft Operation (helicopter), Attentive, Builder, Cautious, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Educated (earth and life sciences, physical sciences), Endurance, Focused, Gearhead, Jack of All Trades (from Future), Nimble**, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Run**, Salvage (from Future), Simple Weapons Proficiency, Surface Vehicle Operation (powerboat, sailboat), Track, Trustworthy**, Vehicle Expert**
** Bonus feats acquired from the legend template.
Skills (core) Balance +7, Climb +5, Computer Use +15, Concentration +6, Craft (electrical) +19, Craft (mechanical) +23, Craft (structural) +17, Demolitions +19, Disguise +7, Disable Device +19, Drive +10, Escape Artist +12, Hide +9, Investigate +17 (10), Jump +6 (+2 when running), Knowledge (current events) +10, Knowledge (earth and life sciences) +13, Knowledge (physical sciences) +26, Knowledge (popular culture) +9, Knowledge (streetwise) +11, Knowledge (technology) +20, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +9, Move Silently +9, Navigate +13, Pilot +10, Read/Write English, Read/Write French, Read/Write German, Read/Write Italian, Read/Write Russian, Read/Write Sign, Read/Write Spanish, Repair +23, Search +15, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand +13, Speak English, Speak French, Speak German, Speak Italian, Speak Russian, Speak Spanish, Spot +7 (+4 when sweeping), Survival +10, Swim +6 (+4 to avoid becoming fatigued), Tumble +7
Skills (house) Athletics +12 (+2 on Jump when running, +4 on Swim to avoid becoming fatigued), Computer Use +15, Control +11, Craft (electrical) +19, Craft (mechanical) +23, Craft (structural) +17, Deduce +20 (+2 on Investigate), Demolitions +19, Disguise +7, Disable Device +19, Drive +10, Escape Artist +12, Knowledge (current events) +10, Knowledge (earth and life sciences) +13, Knowledge (physical sciences) +26, Knowledge (popular culture) +9, Knowledge (streetwise) +11, Knowledge (technology) +20, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +9, Navigate +13, Pilot +10, Read/Write English, Read/Write French, Read/Write German, Read/Write Italian, Read/Write Russian, Read/Write Sign, Read/Write Spanish, Repair +23, Perceive +13 (+2 on Sense Motive, +4 on Spot to sweep), Sneak +18 (+2 on Sleight of Hand), Speak English, Speak French, Speak German, Speak Italian, Speak Russian, Speak Spanish, Survival +20, Tumble +8
Talents (Fast Hero) Evasion
Talents (Smart Hero) Plan, Savant (Knowledge [physical sciences])
Talents (Engineer) Craft XP Reserve (800), Improve Kit (+3), Quick Craft, Quick Fix, Reconfigure Weapon, Sabotage, Superior Repair, Unflustered, Weapon Upgrade
Talents (Infiltrator) Improved Evasion, Improvised Implements, Sweep
Starting Occupation Military (+1 on Demolitions, Survival as permanent class skill; Personal Firearms Proficiency)
Possessions (carried weight 4 lb.) leather jacket (4 lb.), Swiss Army knife, multi-timezone wristwatch (includes compass), chewing gum
Wealth Bonus +14
(circa MacGyver, Season 4, 1988)
Male Human Legendary Fast Hero 2/Smart Hero 3/Engineer* 10/Infiltrator 4; CR 20; LA +1
Medium-size Humanoid (height 6’ 1”, weight 171 lb.); Age 37
* See d20 Future
Init +3; Senses (core) Listen +3, Search +15, Spot +7; Senses (house) Listen/Spot +13, Search +20
Languages English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Sign, Spanish
Defense (core) 25, touch 25, flat-footed 22; Defense (house) 25, touch 15, flat-footed 22; Dodge (+3 Dex, +11 class, +1 equip)
hp 94 (19 HD); Mas 12
Fort +8 (+4 vs hot/cold environments, suffocation/drowning), Ref +15, Will +9
Action Points 17
Speed 30 ft. (x5)
Melee unarmed strike +12 (1d3+1 nonlethal, 20) or
Melee by weapon +12
Ranged by weapon +14
Space 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +11; Grp +12
Atk Options Combat Expertise
Special Qualities Legend (4)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 16 (15), Con 12, Int 20 (18), Wis 16 (15), Cha 14
'(-)' indicate original ability scores.
Allegiances Good, Law, the Phoenix Foundation; Rep +8; San 75
Feats Action Boost (from Future), Aircraft Operation (helicopter), Attentive, Builder, Cautious, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Educated (earth and life sciences, physical sciences), Endurance, Focused, Gearhead, Jack of All Trades (from Future), Nimble**, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Run**, Salvage (from Future), Simple Weapons Proficiency, Surface Vehicle Operation (powerboat, sailboat), Track, Trustworthy**, Vehicle Expert**
** Bonus feats acquired from the legend template.
Skills (core) Balance +7, Climb +5, Computer Use +15, Concentration +6, Craft (electrical) +19, Craft (mechanical) +23, Craft (structural) +17, Demolitions +19, Disguise +7, Disable Device +19, Drive +10, Escape Artist +12, Hide +9, Investigate +17 (10), Jump +6 (+2 when running), Knowledge (current events) +10, Knowledge (earth and life sciences) +13, Knowledge (physical sciences) +26, Knowledge (popular culture) +9, Knowledge (streetwise) +11, Knowledge (technology) +20, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +9, Move Silently +9, Navigate +13, Pilot +10, Read/Write English, Read/Write French, Read/Write German, Read/Write Italian, Read/Write Russian, Read/Write Sign, Read/Write Spanish, Repair +23, Search +15, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand +13, Speak English, Speak French, Speak German, Speak Italian, Speak Russian, Speak Spanish, Spot +7 (+4 when sweeping), Survival +10, Swim +6 (+4 to avoid becoming fatigued), Tumble +7
Skills (house) Athletics +12 (+2 on Jump when running, +4 on Swim to avoid becoming fatigued), Computer Use +15, Control +11, Craft (electrical) +19, Craft (mechanical) +23, Craft (structural) +17, Deduce +20 (+2 on Investigate), Demolitions +19, Disguise +7, Disable Device +19, Drive +10, Escape Artist +12, Knowledge (current events) +10, Knowledge (earth and life sciences) +13, Knowledge (physical sciences) +26, Knowledge (popular culture) +9, Knowledge (streetwise) +11, Knowledge (technology) +20, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +9, Navigate +13, Pilot +10, Read/Write English, Read/Write French, Read/Write German, Read/Write Italian, Read/Write Russian, Read/Write Sign, Read/Write Spanish, Repair +23, Perceive +13 (+2 on Sense Motive, +4 on Spot to sweep), Sneak +18 (+2 on Sleight of Hand), Speak English, Speak French, Speak German, Speak Italian, Speak Russian, Speak Spanish, Survival +20, Tumble +8
Talents (Fast Hero) Evasion
Talents (Smart Hero) Plan, Savant (Knowledge [physical sciences])
Talents (Engineer) Craft XP Reserve (800), Improve Kit (+3), Quick Craft, Quick Fix, Reconfigure Weapon, Sabotage, Superior Repair, Unflustered, Weapon Upgrade
Talents (Infiltrator) Improved Evasion, Improvised Implements, Sweep
Starting Occupation Military (+1 on Demolitions, Survival as permanent class skill; Personal Firearms Proficiency)
Possessions (carried weight 4 lb.) leather jacket (4 lb.), Swiss Army knife, multi-timezone wristwatch (includes compass), chewing gum
Wealth Bonus +14
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