Saturday, October 24, 2020

Back to the Future: Dice Through Time (35th Anniversary Playthru)

Here's the setup for playing Back to the Future: Dice Through Time on "Easy" mode. You play as your own year's version of Marty and Doc with your own time machine. Your objective: restore the time stream by returning items to their proper locations and years as depicted in the movies, keeping Biff out of your way in the doing.
The game uses a clever, family-friendly mix of dice pools, event management, and light strategic board movement to capture the fun feel and flow of the BTTF Trilogy.
After 1 round of play, we took care of 2 of the 3 events on the board, punching 1955 Biff out of the way, and the "OUTATIME" marker only moved one space. (If the OUTATIME marker reaches the end—space 12—that's game over!)
By the end of round 2, we managed to return the first two of the required eight items (Easy mode) to win: the Fax Marty received in 2015, and the Video Camera from 1985.
A few more rounds into it, we cleared enough events to claim all the items from 1885 and 1955, the latter becoming our problem year as evidenced by the 3 events that appeared on it. Returning items also yields random "Einstein tokens" (depicting Doc's dog), the reverse side of which essentially give you extra dice actions to take during your turn.
A round later, we were hit with a special event that places "Paradox tokens" (the round clocks) on events at locations where Biff is (if they don't already). Paradox tokens speed up the rate that the OUTATIME marker can move, but fortunately the game gives you a couple ways to deal with them.
Near the end, we're sitting pretty with all the items claimed from their respective timelines. All that remains is to return them to where they belong.
Here's the final state after winning! Cooperative games increasingly are my favorite to play, and sharing this inaugural experience with my wife (also a BTTF fan), and ultimately our kids, is sure to be replayed over and over, much like the movies.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Time Travelers

35 years ago, Marty and Doc arrived at a time in their future which was precisely 5 years ago today. Whoa, that's heavy.

(circa Back to the Future, 1985)
Male Human Fast Ordinary 1/Tough Ordinary 1/Charismatic Hero 1; CR 2
Medium-size Humanoid (height 5’ 4”, weight 123 lb.); Age 17

Init +2; Senses (core) Listen +0, Search +0, Spot +0; Senses (house) Listen/Spot +0, Search +0
Languages English

Defense (core) 16, touch 16, flat-footed 14; Defense (house) 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14; (+2 Dex, +4 class)
hp 17 (3 HD); Mas 13
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +0
Action Points 6

Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +1 (1d6 nonlethal, 20) or
Melee by weapon +0
Ranged by weapon +2
Space 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +0; Grp +0
Atk Options Heroic Surge (1/day)
Special Qualities none

Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 15
Allegiances his family, Jennifer Parker, Doc Brown, good, chaos; Rep +2; San 54
Feats Brawl, Creative, Deceptive, Heroic Surge, Simple Weapons Proficiency
Flaws Chicken Complex (Marty can’t help himself when someone calls him “chicken” or directly challenges his bravery. When another character calls Marty out like this, he must succeed on a DC 20 Will save or be compelled to meet the challenge head-on, regardless of any apparent danger[s] to himself or others.)—Bonus feat: Brawl
Skills (core) Balance +8, Bluff +7, Computer Use +1, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +5, Drive +4, Gamble +1, Hide +4, Knowledge (popular culture) +3, Knowledge (streetwise) +2, Move Silently +4, Perform (sing) +7, Perform (string instruments) +9, Read/Write English, Speak English, Swim +1
Skills (house) Athletics +1, Control +8, Computer Use +1, Disguise +5, Drive +4, Gamble +1, Knowledge (popular culture) +3, Knowledge (streetwise) +2, Perform (sing) +7, Perform (string instruments) +9, Persuade +5 (+3 on Bluff, +1 on Diplomacy), Read/Write English, Sneak +6, Speak English
Talents (Charismatic Hero) Fast-Talk
Starting Occupation Student (Computer Use, Perform [string instruments] as permanent class skills, +1 on Knowledge [popular culture])
Possessions (carried weight 7 lb.) casual outfit (t-shirt & jeans; 2 lb.), outdoor vest (1 lb.), windbreaker (1 lb.), skateboard (+10/20 feet of move on level/downward sloping ground, Balance DC 15 to perform tricks; 3 lb.)
Wealth Bonus +3

(circa Back to the Future, 1985)
Male Human Smart Ordinary 2/Dedicated Ordinary 1/Smart Hero 3/Techie 3/Engineer 2; CR 10
Medium-size Humanoid (height 6’, weight 165 lb.); Age 65

Init -1; Senses (core) Listen +1, Search +12, Spot +8; Senses (house) Listen/Spot +8, Search +17
Languages English

Defense (core) 15, touch 15, flat-footed 15; Defense (house) 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15; (-1 Dex, +6 class)
hp 41 (11 HD); Mas 10
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +7
Action Points 9

Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +3 (1d3-1 nonlethal, 20) or
Melee by weapon +3
Ranged Colt SAA revolver +3 (2d6-1 ballistic, 20, 30 ft, S, 6 cyl) or
Ranged by weapon +3
Space 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +4; Grp +3
Atk Options none
Special Qualities none

Abilities Str 8 (11), Dex 8 (11), Con 10 (13), Int 20 (16), Wis 12 (10), Cha 12 (10)
'(-)' indicate original ability scores.
          Note: Doc has age penalties and bonuses due to old age.
Allegiances time travel, science, good, Marty McFly, chaos; Rep +5; San 47
Feats Aircraft Operation (helicopters), Builder, Cautious, Educated (history, physical sciences), Gearhead, Far Shot, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Vehicle Expert
Skills (core) Bluff +8, Computer Use +20, Craft (electronic) +21, Craft (mechanical) +18, Demolitions +13, Disable Device +15, Drive +6, Forgery +10, Investigate +10, Knowledge (business) +9, Knowledge (current events) +11, Knowledge (history) +17, Knowledge (physical sciences) +24, Knowledge (popular culture) +10, Knowledge (technology) +20, Navigate +11, Pilot +5, Read/Write English, Repair +20 (+2 when jury-rigging), Research +17, Search +12, Speak English, Spot +8
Skills (house) Computer Use +20, Craft (electronic) +21, Craft (mechanical) +18, Deduce +17, Demolitions +13, Disable Device +15, Drive +6, Forgery +10, Knowledge (business) +9, Knowledge (current events) +11, Knowledge (history) +17, Knowledge (physical sciences) +24, Knowledge (popular culture) +10, Knowledge (technology) +20, Navigate +11, Perceive +8, Persuade +8, Pilot +5, Read/Write English, Repair +20 (+2 when jury-rigging), Research +17, Speak English
Talents (Smart Hero) Plan, Savant (Knowledge [physical sciences])
Talents (Techie) Extreme Machine, Jury-rig +2
Talents (Engineer) Improve Kit (+1), Quick Craft, Superior Repair
Starting Occupation Entrepreneur (Bluff as permanent class skill, +1 on Knowledge [technology])
Possessions (carried weight 21 lb.) casual outfit (2 lb.), lab coat (2 lb.), eye-goggles, aluminum travel case (w/spare plutonium rods; 10-lb capacity; 11 lb.), Colt SAA revolver (3 lb.), standard binoculars (2 lb.), professional walkie-talkie (1 lb.)
Wealth Bonus +9

Vehicle “The Time Machine” (1981 DMC-12 DeLorean)
Crew: 1; Pass: 1; Cargo: 150 lb.; Init: -2; Man: -3; Speed: 190 (19); Def: 9; Hard: 5; hp: 30; Size: L; Purchase DC: n/a (46); Res: Lic (+1)
Accessories: Doc’s Time Machine features several components unique to it. Foremost is the flux capacitor, a rectangular compartment housing three Geissler-style tubes in a Y-shape, which is what makes time travel possible. Time circuits are computer installed in the dash and behind the gearbox that coordinate the unit’s flux dispersal and allow for keyboard input from the driver/passenger. The car’s stainless steel body improves the rate of flux dispersal achieved when the car hits 88 mph. Aside from the standard internal combustion engine and drive train, the Time Machine also has a plutonium powered nuclear fission reactor that is required to generate the power output (1.21 gigawatts) to energize the flux capacitor. The Time Machine is also outfitted with rear louvers to help cool the reactor, a Roentgen meter to measure current plutonium levels, and a digital speedometer. All of these additions consequently impose an added -1 penalty on the car’s maneuverability; also, there is no standard air conditioning nor stereo installed in the Time Machine.

New Vehicle 1981 DMC-12 DeLorean (mid-luxury sports car)
Crew: 1; Pass: 1; Cargo: 150 lb.; Init: -2; Man: -2; Speed: 190 (19); Def: 9; Hard: 5; hp: 30; Size: L; Purchase DC: 31; Res: Lic (+1)

The DeLorean is a compact 2-door (gull wing design) sports car with a distinctive low carriage and stainless steel body, powered by a 6-cylinder rear-wheel driven engine and a 5-speed manual transmission. Interior cargo space is limited, but the hood trunk can also hold items. The DeLorean is 2 squares wide and 3 squares long.