Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Two of New Port City's Cyber Finest

d20 Modernized versions of the two main protagonists from Mamoru Oshii's adaptation of Ghost in the Shell, one of the truly greatest sci-fi films ever made!

Major MOTOKO KUSANAGI (circa Ghost in the Shell, AD 2029)
Female Human Unique Cyborg Strong Hero 1/Fast Hero 2/Dedicated Hero 2/Field Officer 6*/Tracer 5*; CR 16
Medium-size Humanoid (height 5’ 6”, weight 260 lb. [appears about 130 lb.]); Age mid-late 20s
* See Future

Init +7; Senses (core) Listen +6, Search +9, Spot +7; Senses (house) Listen/Spot +18, Search +17
Languages English, Japanese, Mandarin (speak only)

Defense 31, touch 28, flat-footed 26; Defensive Martial Arts, Dodge (+5 Dex, +13 class, +3 equip)
hp 89 (16 HD); Mas 18; DR 3/—
Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +10 (+2 vs. mind-affecting effects)
Action Points 13

Speed 40 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +19/+14/+9 (1d4+6 lethal/nonlethal, 19-20) or
Melee by weapon +19/+14/+9
Ranged CZ-100 autoloader +21/+16/+11 (2d6+5 ballistic, 20, 30 ft., S, 13 box) or
Ranged M22 carbine +21/+16/+11 (2d8+2 ballistic, 20, 70 ft., S/A, 50 box) or
Ranged by weapon +21/+16/+11
Space 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +14; Grp +20
Atk Options Burst Fire, Kata Calculator (Offensive; +1 on weapon damage w/i 30 ft.), Point Blank Shot, Shot on the Run, Swift Strike +2d6, Tactical Expertise, Target Species (human; +2 on damage)
Special Qualities damage reduction 3/— (always suffers at least 1 point of damage), electricity vulnerability, immunities (disease, poison, stunning, medicines, chemical boosters, and all powers, spells, or attacks that would normally affect human physiology or respiration), see below

Abilities Str 18 (14), Dex 20 (14), Con —/18 (14), Int 16 (15), Wis 15 (14), Cha 13
'(-)' indicate original ability scores.
Allegiances her ghost, good, Public Security Section 9; Rep +5; San 65
Feats Acrobatic, Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (light), Burst Fire, Combat Martial Arts, Combat Throw, Cybertaker (see Future), Defensive Martial Arts, Dodge, Drive-by-Attack, Gearhead, Improved Combat Martial Arts, Mobility, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Shot on the Run, Track, Urban Tracking (see Future), Weapon Finesse (autoloader)
          Note: As a member of Section 9, Kusanagi receives the Armor Proficiency (light) feat for free.
Skills (core) Climb +10 (–2 w/armor), Computer Use +22, Demolitions +5, Diplomacy +9 (+2 after 1 min.), Disable Device +14, Drive +12, Gather Information +5, Hide +12 (+20 when using thermoptic-camouflage, -2 w/armor), Intimidate +6 (+2 after 1 min.), Investigate +11, Jump +23 (–2 w/armor), Knowledge (behavioral sciences) +13, Knowledge (current events) +9, Knowledge (streetwise) +13, Knowledge (tactics) +18, Knowledge (technology) +10, Knowledge (all others [cyberbrain]) +7, Listen +6, Move Silently +13 (–2 w/armor), Read/Write English, Read/Write Japanese, Repair +7, Research +5, Search +9, Sense Motive +10 (+2 after 1 min.), Speak English, Speak Japanese, Speak Mandarin, Spot +7, Survival +8, Swim +9 (-23 due to cyber body, -26 w/equip also), Treat Injury +3, Tumble +16 (–2 w/armor)
Skills (house) Athletics +18 (–2 on Climb w/armor, +10 [+12 w/o armor] on Jump, -3 on Swim w/equip), Computer Use +22, Deduce +15 (+2 on Search), Demolitions +5, Disable Device +15, Drive +12, Gather Information +5, Knowledge (behavioral sciences) +13, Knowledge (current events) +9, Knowledge (streetwise) +13, Knowledge (tactics) +18, Knowledge (technology) +10, Knowledge (all others [cyberbrain]) +7, Perceive +18 (+2 on Sense Motive after 1 min.), Persuade +14 (+2 on Diplomacy, Intimidate after 1 min.), Read/Write English, Read/Write Japanese, Repair +7, Research +5, Sneak +18 (+20 on Hide when using thermoptic-camouflage, –2 w/armor), Speak English, Speak Japanese, Speak Mandarin, Survival +8, Treat Injury +3, Tumble +16 (-2 w/armor)
Talents (Strong Hero) Melee Smash
Talents (Fast Hero) Evasion
Talents (Dedicated Hero) Skill Emphasis (Disable Device)
Talents (Field Officer) August Leadership, Leadership, Tactical Expertise, Uncanny Survival
Talents (Tracer) Swift Strike +2d6, Target Species (human), Uncanny Stealth (full speed)
Starting Occupation Law Enforcement (Diplomacy as permanent class skill, +1 on Knowledge [tactics]; Combat Martial Arts)
Cybernetic Replacements Advanced Full-Body Prosthesis (w/artificial muscle & twitch fiber [see Cyberscape]; see below), Cyberbrain (includes mind screen & data archive [see Future]; see below)
Cybernetic Enhancements Feat Plexus (Acrobatic, Drive-by-Attack, Gearhead, Weapon Finesse), Initiative Implant, Jump Pistons, Kata Calculator (Offensive), Prosthetic Enhancer (4, both arms/legs), Skill Plexus (Computer Use, Demolitions, Disable Device, Search), Targeting Optics
Possessions (carried weight 19 lb.) fatigues (Section 9 urban issue; 3 lb.), CZ-100 (see Weapons Locker; 2 lb.), M22 (as “FN P90,” see Weapons Locker; 8 lb.), thermoptic-camouflage bodysuit (see below), blackout goggles (see Future Tech), bodycomp (incorporated into her advanced full-body prosthesis [unique]; see Future Tech), light combat armor (black, -2 check penalty, see Future; 6 lb.), various personal items
Wealth Bonus +12

New Cybernetic Replacement Advanced Full-Body Prosthesis (PL 8)
The recipient’s entire body, aside from its brain, is replaced with a cybernetic replica. Subjects that possess both a full-body prosthesis and a cyberbrain are said to have undergone “full-cyberization.” Full-body prosthesis cannot be taken through elective surgery, but only in rare medical or emergency cases that warrant it. Cost and maintenance of the recipient’s body is prohibitive to only the most advanced and wealthy nations, corporations, or government agencies.
          Benefit: Base installation includes advanced prosthetic arms and legs (see Future) with head and torso replacements (incorporating a modified organ replacement to match the recipient’s original body by use of integrated cybernetics and inobvious gadget mods, see Cyberscape). Upgraded models may include any number of torso enhancements (a trauma router and artificial muscle fibers and artificial twitch fibers of the +4 variety are preinstalled; see Cyberscape), including up to a total organ replacement, adding +4 to the PDC below for each. In addition, this advanced prosthesis does not count toward the total number of cybernetic attachments the recipient can have before taking negative levels (see Future).
          The recipient no longer heals damage naturally and must receive a Repair check to be healed (a DC 20 Repair check takes 10 minutes and restores 1d8 points of damage). The recipient’s effective Constitution score becomes 18 (when calculating cybernetic attachment limits, damage threshold, skills, saves, and other checks), though instead of receiving bonus hit points due to high Con, the body gains bonus hit points as a construct by size (small +5, medium +10, etc., plus an additional 150% of this bonus due to phenotype perfection in physiological design). She is immune to disease, poison, stunning, medicines, chemical boosters, and all powers, spells, or attacks that would normally affect her human physiology or respiration, though she is still subject to critical hits. The recipient’s weight is doubled. If she should later undergo the total organ replacement enhancement (see Cyberscape), these features become overwritten by those detailed under that enhancement.
          Drawback: The new body requires constant upkeep, with a DC 39 wealth check required at each new level to prevent cumulative negative levels from increasing, and weekly (1 full day minimum) lab visits to ensure integrated systems are working correctly and aging properly.
          Type: External/Internal
          Hardness/Hit Points: 10/30
          Base Purchase DC: 49
          Restriction: Restricted (+2)

New Cybernetic Replacement Cyberbrain (PL 8)
The recipient’s entire brain, save for encased gray matter and transistor matter from the recipient’s original body, is replaced with a cybernetic replica. The cyberbrain also warehouses all the subject’s collected knowledge and personality. Subjects that possess both a full-body prosthesis and a cyberbrain are said to have undergone “full-cyberization,” though such instances are rare and almost never elective on the part of the recipient.
          Benefit: Cyberbrains represent the highest in neural cyber tech. Base models incorporate a microcomputer (see Future), micro-aural communicator, and a neural computer link (both Cyberscape) through use of the integrated cybernetic devices gadget. Upgraded models may include a mindscreen implant and a data archive (see Future). In addition, this advanced prosthesis does not count toward the total number of cybernetic attachments the recipient can have before taking negative levels (see Future).
          Type: Internal
          Hardness/Hit Points: —/8
          Base Purchase DC: 44 (52, for upgraded model)
          Restriction: Restricted (+2)

New Gear Thermoptic-Camouflage (PL 8)
This nanotech engineered material of mimetic polycarbon renders the wearer invisible for a short period. Microsensors on the surface of the material detect surrounding imagery and project it on the opposite side, making the wearer appear as if they are not there. The material blends in with any background, and can be applied to a wide variety of surfaces, from land vehicles (up to gargantuan size), to cloaks, jackets, and skintight bodysuits (underneath which nothing else can be worn), with varying degrees of success.
          The material is particularly sensitive, however, and may malfunction as a result of contact with adverse atmospheric interference (e.g. extreme acrobatic movement, rain, falling debris, etc.). Material covering a vehicle has a 50% chance of failing under such circumstances, material used in clothing 25%, and a skintight bodysuit fails only 5% of the time under the effects described above.
          Activating or deactivating thermoptic-camouflage is a free action, and it functions for up to 1 minute (10 rounds) before exhausting its renewable energy cells, which recharge after 1 hour of no use. (In situations where the thermoptic-camouflage is not in motion, it will function for up to 1 hour before needing to be recharged.) Thermoptic-camouflage confers a +40 bonus on Hide checks if the object it covers is immobile, and a +20 bonus if the object is moving. Pinpointing the location of something that isn’t attempting to hide requires a Spot check (DC 40 if it is immobile or DC 20 if it is moving). Thermoptic-camouflage is light enough that it doesn't add appreciable weight to an object or person using it.

BATOU (circa Ghost in the Shell, AD 2029)
Male Human Cyborg Strong Hero 3/Soldier 6/SpecOp 3*/Tracer 3**; CR 15
Medium-size Humanoid (height 6’ 2”, weight 240 lb.); Age early 30s
* See Urban Arcana
** See Future

Init +3; Senses (core) Listen +5, Search +8, Spot +10; Senses (house) Listen/Spot +19, Search +9; Darkvision 60 ft.
Languages English, German (speak only), Japanese

Defense 26, touch 22, flat-footed 23; Defensive Martial Arts (+3 Dex, +9 class, +4 equip)
hp 134 (15 HD); Mas 18
Fort +13 (+4 vs hot/cold environments, suffocation/drowning, and see below), Ref +12, Will +7
Action Points 11

Speed 40 ft. (30 ft. w/armor)
Melee unarmed strike +18/+13/+8 (1d4+8 lethal/nonlethal, 19-20) or
Melee by weapon +18/+13/+8
Ranged Jericho 942 autoloader +18/+13/+8 (2d8+3 ballistic, 20, 30 ft., S, 9 box) or
Ranged ManPTDS +17/+12/+7 (10d8+1, 20, 80 ft., S, 8 int.) or
Ranged by weapon +17/+12/+7
Space 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +13; Grp +18
Atk Options Burst Fire, Swift Strike +1d6, Tactical Aid, Target Species (human)
Special Qualities electricity vulnerability, immunities (blinding/light-effects, disease, poison, stunning, medicines, chemical boosters, and all powers, spells, or attacks that would normally affect human physiology or respiration), see below

Abilities Str 20 (17), Dex 16, Con 18 (17), Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 9
'(-)' indicate original ability scores.
Allegiances Motoko Kusanagi, good, Public Security Section 9; Rep +5; San 58
Feats Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Athletic, Burst Fire, Combat Martial Arts, Cybertaker (see Future), Cybernetic Surgery, Defensive Martial Arts, Endurance, Exotic Firearms Proficiency (heavy machine guns), Exotic Firearms Proficiency (rocket launchers), Personal Firearms Proficiency, Oathbound (Motoko Kusanagi; see Future), Renown, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Stealthy, Surface Vehicle Operation (powerboat), Surgery, Track, Urban Tracking (see Future)
          Note: As a member of Section 9, Batou receives the Armor Proficiency (medium) feat for free.
Skills (core) Climb +13 (-2 w/armor), Computer Use +4, Demolitions +8, Diplomacy +1, Drive +8, Hide +10 (+2 in at least one-quarter concealment, -2 w/armor), Handle Animal +0, Intimidate +4, Investigate +9, Jump +11 (-2 w/armor), Knowledge (behavioral sciences) +8, Knowledge (current events) +7, Knowledge (streetwise) +11, Knowledge (tactics) +11, Knowledge (all others [cyberbrain]) +5, Listen +5, Move Silently +12 (-2 w/armor), Navigate +4, Read/Write English, Read/Write Japanese, Repair +2, Sense Motive +8, Speak English, Speak German, Speak Japanese, Spot +10, Survival +10, Swim +11 (-12 w/equip), Treat Injury +4
Skills (house) Athletics +16 (+1 [+3 w/o armor] on Climb, -2 on Jump w/armor, -12 on Swim w/equip), Computer Use +4, Deduce +9, Demolitions +8, Drive +8, Handle Animal +0, Knowledge (behavioral sciences) +8, Knowledge (current events) +7, Knowledge (streetwise) +11, Knowledge (tactics) +12, Navigate +4, Perceive +19, Persuade +6, Read/Write English, Read/Write Japanese, Repair +2, Sneak +11 (+2 [+4 in at least one-quarter concealment] on Hide, +4 on Move Silently, -2 on Hide/Move Silently w/armor), Speak English, Speak German, Speak Japanese, Survival +10, Treat Injury +4
Talents (Strong Hero) Melee Smash, Improved Melee Smash
Talents (Soldier) Improved Critical (unarmed), Tactical Aid, Weapon Focus (autoloader), Weapon Specialization (autoloader)
Talents (SpecOp) Hunt and Evade, Night Mover, Specialist (weapons)
Talents (Tracer) Swift Strike +1d6, Target Species (human)
Starting Occupation Military (Drive as permanent class skill, +1 on Climb; Personal Firearms Proficiency)
Cybernetic Replacements Advanced Prosthetic Arm (2), Advanced Prosthetic Leg (2), Cyberbrain
Cybernetic Enhancements Anti-Flare Implants, Feat Plexus (Athletic, Endurance, Stealthy, Surgery), Internal Organ Replacement (see below), Nightvision Optics, Prosthetic Enhancer (4, both arms/legs), Targeting Optics, Telescopic Optics
Possessions (carried weight 62.5 lb.) casual outfit (street attire; 3 lb.), IMI “Jericho” 942 .50 AE (see Weapons Locker; 3.5 lb.), ManPTDS (see below; 48 lb.), medium combat armor (black, -2 check penalty, see Future; 8 lb.), various personal items
Wealth Bonus +13

New Weapon Heavy Man-Portable Tank Defense System (ManPTDS)
Damage: 10d8; Critical: 20; Type: —; Range: 80 ft.; ROF: S; Magazine: 8 int.; Size: L; Weight: 48 lb.; Purchase DC: 22; Res: Mil (+3)

This Progress Level 7 semi-automatic heavy weapon is used primarily for mobile armored vehicle defense, firing shells capable of penetrating tank skin. Its shells are designed to ignore 10 points of hardness belonging to a vehicle, building, or object. While it can be handled by a single person, the weapon is clumsy and the user may not move more than a single move action per round when wielding the ManPTDS. Reloading the ManPTDS after exhausting its 8-round magazine always requires 1 round. The weapon requires the Exotic Firearms Proficiency (rocket launchers) feat.

New Cybernetic Enhancement Internal Organ Replacement (PL 7)
The recipient’s major internal organs, excluding his brain, are replaced with cybernetic replicas.
          Benefit: Due to the fact that, in part or as a whole, the recipient’s lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, and even heart have been replaced with synthetic versions, he becomes immune to disease, poison, stunning, medicines, chemical boosters, and all powers, spells, or attacks that would normally affect his human physiology or respiration, except for those that target the skin or other non-cybernetic parts of his body; he receives a +4 bonus against any such effects that target these areas. He is still subject to critical hits. If he should later undergo the total organ replacement enhancement (see Cyberscape), these features become overwritten by those detailed under that enhancement.
          Type: Internal
          Hardness/Hit Points: 0/6
          Base Purchase DC: 29
          Restriction: Restricted (+2)

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