
Male Cybertronian Transformer Legendary Strong Hero 1/Smart Hero 1/Dedicated Hero 2/Field Officer 10; LA +2; CR 31
Huge-size Robot [Mecha] (height 22’, weight ~9 tons); Age over 9 million years
* See Future
Init +3; Senses (core) Listen +14, Search +12, Spot +14; Senses (house) Listen/Spot +22, Search +23
Languages Cybertronian, English
Defense (core) 25, touch 15, flat-footed 25; Defense (house) 25, touch 11, flat-footed 25; Defensive Martial Arts (-2 size, -1 Dex, +10 armor, +8 class)
hp 346 (29 HD); Mas 40; Hrd 20
Fort +20, Ref +2, Will +16
Action Points 14
Speed 40 ft. (50 ft. in vehicle mode)
Melee slam +36 (2d6+16 bludgeoning, 20) or
Melee huge energy axe +37/+32/+27/+22 (8d6+16 slashing/electricity, 18-20) or
Melee by weapon +36/+31/+26/+21
Ranged mastercraft huge ion cannon +21/+16/+11/+6 (12d6 fire/ion, 20, S, 225 ft.) or
Ranged by weapon +20/+15/+10/+5
Space 15 ft. by 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +23; Grp +48
Atk Options Action Trust, Combat Expertise, Commanding Presence, Dead Aim, Great Cleave, Oathbound, Power Attack, Strafe, Tactical Mastery, Uncanny Survival
Special Qualities construct traits (except no immunity to critical hits, see below), legend (9), transform (see below)
Abilities Str 40 (38), Dex 8 (6), Con —, Int 24 (17), Wis 22 (17), Cha 22 (17)
'(-)' indicate original ability scores.
Ability Upgrades Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence
Allegiances freedom, good, law, Autobots, Earth, Cybertron; Rep +11; San 95
Feats Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Alertness, Cleave**, Combat Expertise, Combat Throw**, Dead Aim**, Defensive Martial Arts**, Far Shot**, Great Cleave**, Improved Initiative, Oathbound (freedom; from Future)**, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Power Attack**, Renown, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Strafe**
** Bonus feats selected from the Legend template.
Skills (core) Computer Use +18, Decipher Script +12, Diplomacy +21, Disable Device +12, Gather Information +16, Intimidate +18, Investigate +13, Jump +18, Knowledge (arcane lore) +17, Knowledge (earth & life sciences) +15, Knowledge (history) +22, Knowledge (physical sciences) +18, Knowledge (streetwise) +14, Knowledge (tactics) +23, Knowledge (technology) +18, Knowledge (theology & philosophy) +12, Listen +15, Navigate +17, Read/Write Cybertronian, Read/Write English, Research +19, Search +12, Sense Motive +17, Speak Cybertronian, Speak English, Spot +15
Skills (house) Athletics +18, Computer Use +19, Deduce +23, Disable Device +12, Gather Information +16, Knowledge (arcane lore) +19, Knowledge (earth & life sciences) +16, Knowledge (history) +23, Knowledge (physical sciences) +18, Knowledge (streetwise) +15, Knowledge (tactics) +25, Knowledge (technology) +18, Knowledge (theology & philosophy) +12, Perceive +24 (+2 on Listen/Spot, +3 on Sense Motive), Navigate +19, Persuade +27, Read/Write Cybertronian, Read/Write English, Research +19, Speak Cybertronian, Speak English
Talents (Strong Hero) Melee Smash
Talents (Smart Hero) Savant (Computer Use)
Talents (Dedicated Hero) Skill Emphasis (Sense Motive)
Talents (Field Officer) Action Trust, August Leadership, Commanding Presence, Tactical Mastery, Uncanny Survival
New FX Item Autobot Matrix of Leadership
This vaunted Autobot artifact bestows several benefits to the one deemed supreme commander of Autobot forces. First, it adds +4 each to the Autobot’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Second, it bestows 2 virtual levels in the field officer advanced class, such that the Autobot receives the requisite HD, BAB, save, defense, and reputation bonuses, skill points, and class features appropriate. Prerequisites for the field officer advanced class need not be met. These virtual levels do not provide attribute increases or feats based on total level, however. Should the Autobot begin to take levels in field officer, consider the Autobot’s total level in that class as 2 higher than normal when calculating the above benefits. Once an Autobot has maxed out levels in field officer, the added virtual levels no longer hold any value. The Matrix also grants the Autobot at least 1 action point per day, even if all others have been spent.
Merging with the Autobot Matrix of Leadership requires the Autobot to install it in its chest cavity, taking up 1 mecha equipment slot. The merging process takes 1 minute. Should a Decepticon or other robot attempt to merge with the Matrix, the Matrix rejects the installation, granting no benefits of any kind, and immediately bestows 2 negative levels that remain for 1 month or until after the robot has received special repairs to negate the condition.
When not installed, the Matrix floats on its own power in midair at eye-level to an average transformer (i.e. 15-25 feet off the ground). It weighs 25 lb. independently.
New Mecha Weapon Energy Axe (PL 8)
The energy axe is a concealed one-handed weapon that matches the size category of the mecha wielding it. Its damage is dependent on the size of the mecha wielding it: Large 4d6, Huge 8d6, Gargantuan 12d6, Colossal 16d6. As a mastercraft item, it grants +1 on attack rolls. When not deployed, the stored energy from the axe reinforces the wielder’s slam strikes, causing them to ignore hardness or damage reduction belonging to mecha types with similar or lesser superstructures.
Equipment Slots: 1, must be hand (or arm if Large).
Activation: Attack action.
Range: Personal.
Target: Single target within reach.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Saving Throw: None.
Purchase DC: 18 + 1/4 the mecha’s base purchase DC.
Restriction: None.
New Mecha Weapon Ion Cannon (PL 7)
The ion cannon is a powerful blaster weapon that can deliver small barrages of fire with its semi-automatic setting (taking advantage of a mecha’s full attacks) that deal 12d6 damage. The blasts deal half fire damage, half ion damage. Should the weapon deal enough damage to surpass the target’s massive damage threshold, the target must make a separate save against the ion effect that the blast delivers: DC 10 plus half the ion damage dealt, with a failure causing the target to become stunned for 1 round. Creatures that are immune to electricity damage are immune to ion damage.
Equipment Slots: 3, including hand (or arm if Large), arm, shoulders, or visor. (Note: This weapon can be used detached also, like a personal firearm, allowing the user to switch between attack modes without wasting an action, though the weapon still counts for the slots it is assigned even when detached.)
Activation: Attack action.
Range Increment/Range: 150 feet.
Target: Single target within 1,500 feet.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Saving Throw: None, or DC equals 10 + half ion damage dealt.
Purchase DC: 25.
Restriction: Military (+3).
New Robot Cybertronian Transformer
Transformers function like robots with added mecha features. A transformer is treated as having a biomorph’s frame, by size, but with a bioreplica’s mental ability scores (i.e. Int, Wis, and Cha base 10; see Future for more). For every additional hit die beyond the default up to the maximum for the robot’s size, add +1 each to the robot’s mental ability scores. Ignore the extra hit points provided by the robot’s frame, and instead use the added stats granted by the robot’s mecha features as determined by size.
Transformers have all the same immunities and are not subject to various damage types just as constructs are. They are, however, subject to critical hits and the effects of massive damage, just as bioreplica robots are, and they must take Fortitude saves when necessary, with such saves modified by their Strength score instead.
Transformers also feature a unique robot ability called “transform.” Each transformer can transform into a single alternate vehicle mode determined at character creation. The alternate vehicle mode has the same stats as the default vehicle would allow, except in areas where the transformer’s robot features would replace them (e.g. hit points, defense, hardness, etc.), or as determined by the GM. Transforming from one mode to the other requires a full round action. When in vehicle mode, the transformer is virtually indistinguishable from others of its type, gaining a +20 inherent bonus on Bluff or Disguise checks to remain inconspicuous. While in vehicle mode, the robot retains all of its normal means of communication, and may even be able to incorporate mecha scale weapons in vehicle mode as detailed in its description. All other vehicle stats are determined by type. This feature adds +1 to a transformer’s challenge rating.
All Cybertronian transformers need a special kind of fuel called “energon” to remain active. Energon is a glowing purple-pink energetic liquid that can be converted from other energy sources. Substantive amounts of energy must be used to create enough energon to fill a single energon cube, or similar container, equaling the smallest unit by which energon is consumed. The following types and amounts of energy are sufficient to create a single cube’s worth of energon: a drum of oil, a tank of natural gas, a wheelbarrow of precious stones, a gallon of rocket fuel, 10 minutes of hydroelectric power, or 1 minute of nuclear power, or as determined by the GM, etc. A transformer must consume enough energon in cubes equal to their size category (Medium or smaller being 0.5, Large 1, Huge 2, etc.) times 1/5 their HD, rounded down, per month (minimum of 1 energon cube/month). For example, Optimus Prime must consume 10 energon cubes (29/5 = 5 [rounded down] x 2 [huge]) per month. Failure to do so forces the transformer to revert to a “powered down” state, preventing them from transforming into robot mode, negating all energy based attacks (including those from personal weapons), and halving their current hit points. Vehicle mode consumes less energon, thus a transformer that operates solely in vehicle mode over long periods can last twice as long on the same amount of energon.
Energon is particularly volatile, however, and if it suffers 10+ points of damage from any source it will explode dealing 1d10 damage per cube to all within 5 feet for every two cubes involved (up to a maximum of 20d10 damage to all within 50 feet). Any energon adjacent to or within the area of exploding energon will automatically detonate. All damage caused by exploding energon ignores any hardness and damage reduction possessed by characters, transformers, or other vehicles or robots caught within the blast, but not that of inanimate objects or structures.
Optimus Prime’s Autobot Mecha Bonuses
Size: Huge (-2) Bonus Hit Points: 200
Superstructure: Living metal Hardness: 20
Armor: Crystal carbon Bonus to Defense: +10
Armor Penalty: -8 Reach: 10 ft.
Strength Bonus: +8 Equipment Slots: 11 (helmet, visor, back, left arm/hand, right
Speed: 40 ft. arm/hand, shoulders, torso, belt, boots)
New Mecha Weapon Energy Axe (PL 8)
The energy axe is a concealed one-handed weapon that matches the size category of the mecha wielding it. Its damage is dependent on the size of the mecha wielding it: Large 4d6, Huge 8d6, Gargantuan 12d6, Colossal 16d6. As a mastercraft item, it grants +1 on attack rolls. When not deployed, the stored energy from the axe reinforces the wielder’s slam strikes, causing them to ignore hardness or damage reduction belonging to mecha types with similar or lesser superstructures.
Equipment Slots: 1, must be hand (or arm if Large).
Activation: Attack action.
Range: Personal.
Target: Single target within reach.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Saving Throw: None.
Purchase DC: 18 + 1/4 the mecha’s base purchase DC.
Restriction: None.
New Mecha Weapon Ion Cannon (PL 7)
The ion cannon is a powerful blaster weapon that can deliver small barrages of fire with its semi-automatic setting (taking advantage of a mecha’s full attacks) that deal 12d6 damage. The blasts deal half fire damage, half ion damage. Should the weapon deal enough damage to surpass the target’s massive damage threshold, the target must make a separate save against the ion effect that the blast delivers: DC 10 plus half the ion damage dealt, with a failure causing the target to become stunned for 1 round. Creatures that are immune to electricity damage are immune to ion damage.
Equipment Slots: 3, including hand (or arm if Large), arm, shoulders, or visor. (Note: This weapon can be used detached also, like a personal firearm, allowing the user to switch between attack modes without wasting an action, though the weapon still counts for the slots it is assigned even when detached.)
Activation: Attack action.
Range Increment/Range: 150 feet.
Target: Single target within 1,500 feet.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Saving Throw: None, or DC equals 10 + half ion damage dealt.
Purchase DC: 25.
Restriction: Military (+3).
New Robot Cybertronian Transformer
Transformers function like robots with added mecha features. A transformer is treated as having a biomorph’s frame, by size, but with a bioreplica’s mental ability scores (i.e. Int, Wis, and Cha base 10; see Future for more). For every additional hit die beyond the default up to the maximum for the robot’s size, add +1 each to the robot’s mental ability scores. Ignore the extra hit points provided by the robot’s frame, and instead use the added stats granted by the robot’s mecha features as determined by size.
Transformers have all the same immunities and are not subject to various damage types just as constructs are. They are, however, subject to critical hits and the effects of massive damage, just as bioreplica robots are, and they must take Fortitude saves when necessary, with such saves modified by their Strength score instead.
Transformers also feature a unique robot ability called “transform.” Each transformer can transform into a single alternate vehicle mode determined at character creation. The alternate vehicle mode has the same stats as the default vehicle would allow, except in areas where the transformer’s robot features would replace them (e.g. hit points, defense, hardness, etc.), or as determined by the GM. Transforming from one mode to the other requires a full round action. When in vehicle mode, the transformer is virtually indistinguishable from others of its type, gaining a +20 inherent bonus on Bluff or Disguise checks to remain inconspicuous. While in vehicle mode, the robot retains all of its normal means of communication, and may even be able to incorporate mecha scale weapons in vehicle mode as detailed in its description. All other vehicle stats are determined by type. This feature adds +1 to a transformer’s challenge rating.
All Cybertronian transformers need a special kind of fuel called “energon” to remain active. Energon is a glowing purple-pink energetic liquid that can be converted from other energy sources. Substantive amounts of energy must be used to create enough energon to fill a single energon cube, or similar container, equaling the smallest unit by which energon is consumed. The following types and amounts of energy are sufficient to create a single cube’s worth of energon: a drum of oil, a tank of natural gas, a wheelbarrow of precious stones, a gallon of rocket fuel, 10 minutes of hydroelectric power, or 1 minute of nuclear power, or as determined by the GM, etc. A transformer must consume enough energon in cubes equal to their size category (Medium or smaller being 0.5, Large 1, Huge 2, etc.) times 1/5 their HD, rounded down, per month (minimum of 1 energon cube/month). For example, Optimus Prime must consume 10 energon cubes (29/5 = 5 [rounded down] x 2 [huge]) per month. Failure to do so forces the transformer to revert to a “powered down” state, preventing them from transforming into robot mode, negating all energy based attacks (including those from personal weapons), and halving their current hit points. Vehicle mode consumes less energon, thus a transformer that operates solely in vehicle mode over long periods can last twice as long on the same amount of energon.
Energon is particularly volatile, however, and if it suffers 10+ points of damage from any source it will explode dealing 1d10 damage per cube to all within 5 feet for every two cubes involved (up to a maximum of 20d10 damage to all within 50 feet). Any energon adjacent to or within the area of exploding energon will automatically detonate. All damage caused by exploding energon ignores any hardness and damage reduction possessed by characters, transformers, or other vehicles or robots caught within the blast, but not that of inanimate objects or structures.
Optimus Prime’s Autobot Mecha Bonuses
Size: Huge (-2) Bonus Hit Points: 200
Superstructure: Living metal Hardness: 20
Armor: Crystal carbon Bonus to Defense: +10
Armor Penalty: -8 Reach: 10 ft.
Strength Bonus: +8 Equipment Slots: 11 (helmet, visor, back, left arm/hand, right
Speed: 40 ft. arm/hand, shoulders, torso, belt, boots)
Note: Living metal permits a robot to gain heroic levels, skills, and feats like a flesh-and-blood character would.
Optimus Prime’s vehicle mode
Optimus Prime’s vehicle mode
Crew: 1; Pass: 1; Cargo: 80,000 lb.***; Init: -4; Man: -4; Speed: 50 (5); Def: 16; Hard: 20; hp: 346; Size: G; Purchase DC: n/a; Res: n/a
Optimus Prime’s trailer detaches when he transforms. The trailer can act semi-independently from Optimus, transforming itself into a small mobile operations platform (equipped with a class-V sensor system and a Talon missile launcher; see Future) and repair station (provides an additional +10 bonus on repair checks). The trailer shares Optimus’s defenses, but has only half his hit points (independent of his own). The trailer can also deploy “Roller,” a small 6-wheeled scout vehicle that can communicate with other robots and carry human-sized passengers (providing one-half cover). Roller’s vehicle stats are the same as Optimus’s vehicle mode stats, except add +3 each to its passenger limit and initiative and maneuver modifiers, double its speed, and reduce its cargo limit to 50 lb., its hit points to 34, and its size to Medium. If either the trailer or Roller are destroyed, Optimus loses 10% of his maximum hit points. If Optimus is destroyed, both the trailer and Roller are destroyed along with him.
The trailer takes up 3 of Optimus’s equipment slots (back, torso, and belt), and Roller takes up 1 slot (boots).
New Vehicle Freightliner FL86 (tractor trailer)
Crew: 1; Pass: 1; Cargo: 80,000 lb.***; Init: -4; Man: -4; Speed: 50 (5); Def: 6; Hard: 5; hp: 80; Size: G; Purchase DC: 32; Res: Lic (+1)
*** Towing and/or hauling capacity
The Freightliner FL86 is a cab-over-engine semi-truck that was used extensively starting in the late 1970s. Though not quite as spacious as a Peterbilt, its well-known design allows for tighter turns without sacrificing torque and pulling power. The FL86 is similarly equipped as the Peterbilt (see Urban Arcana), with space that is 6 squares wide and 5 squares long, and a cab 2 squares long. The cab provides three-quarters cover to its occupants, while being inside the trailer provides full cover.
Optimus Prime’s trailer detaches when he transforms. The trailer can act semi-independently from Optimus, transforming itself into a small mobile operations platform (equipped with a class-V sensor system and a Talon missile launcher; see Future) and repair station (provides an additional +10 bonus on repair checks). The trailer shares Optimus’s defenses, but has only half his hit points (independent of his own). The trailer can also deploy “Roller,” a small 6-wheeled scout vehicle that can communicate with other robots and carry human-sized passengers (providing one-half cover). Roller’s vehicle stats are the same as Optimus’s vehicle mode stats, except add +3 each to its passenger limit and initiative and maneuver modifiers, double its speed, and reduce its cargo limit to 50 lb., its hit points to 34, and its size to Medium. If either the trailer or Roller are destroyed, Optimus loses 10% of his maximum hit points. If Optimus is destroyed, both the trailer and Roller are destroyed along with him.
The trailer takes up 3 of Optimus’s equipment slots (back, torso, and belt), and Roller takes up 1 slot (boots).
New Vehicle Freightliner FL86 (tractor trailer)
Crew: 1; Pass: 1; Cargo: 80,000 lb.***; Init: -4; Man: -4; Speed: 50 (5); Def: 6; Hard: 5; hp: 80; Size: G; Purchase DC: 32; Res: Lic (+1)
*** Towing and/or hauling capacity
The Freightliner FL86 is a cab-over-engine semi-truck that was used extensively starting in the late 1970s. Though not quite as spacious as a Peterbilt, its well-known design allows for tighter turns without sacrificing torque and pulling power. The FL86 is similarly equipped as the Peterbilt (see Urban Arcana), with space that is 6 squares wide and 5 squares long, and a cab 2 squares long. The cab provides three-quarters cover to its occupants, while being inside the trailer provides full cover.
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