Wednesday, August 14, 2024


SON GOKU (earthling name), KAKAROT (saiyan name)
circa the Android Saga
Male Unique Saiyan Legendary Strong Hero 3/Martial Artist 10/Battle Mind 7; CR 26; LA +7
Medium Humanoid (height 5' 9", weight 136 lb.); Age mid 20s

Init +6; Senses (core) Listen +4, Search -1, Spot +6; Senses (house) Listen/Spot +6, Search -1
Languages English, Japanese

Defense 31, touch 31, flat-footed 25; Defensive Martial Arts (+6 Dex, +14 class)
hp 228 (20 HD); Mas 25
Fort +16, Ref +16, Will +10 (use ki to reroll)
Action Points 15

Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +29/+24/+19/+14 (1d10+12 lethal/nonlethal, 19-20/x3) or
Melee flying strike (charge) +30 (1d10+22 lethal/nonlethal, 19-20/x3) or
Melee flurry of blows +26/+26/+21/+16/+11 (1d10+12 lethal/nonlethal, 19-20/x3)
Melee by weapon +28/+23/+18/+13
Ranged energy blasts +27/+22/+17/+12 (1d8+13 piercing or force, 30 ft, 20) or
Ranged kamehameha +25 (varies, 50 ft, 20) or
Ranged by weapon +24/+19/+14/+9
Space 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +18; Grp +30
Atk Options Combat Reflexes, Ki (+4 to attacks/initiative/checks per round), Power Attack, Psychic (Ki) Shield (+3 equip bonus to Defense, 7 rnds), Unbalance Opponent
Special Qualities detect psionics [ki] 3/day, ki 5/day, saiyan traits, legend traits (5)

Abilities Str 30 (13), Dex 22 (13), Con 22 (13), Int 8, Wis 18 (16), Cha 12
'(-)' indicate original ability scores.
AL bettering himself, the Z Fighters, good, Earth, the fight; Rep +8; San 85
Feats Advanced Combat Martial Arts*, Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Combat Martial Arts, Combat Reflexes, Combat Throw, Defensive Martial Arts, Improved Combat Martial Arts, Improved Damage Threshold*, Inner Power, Inner Strength, Kaio-Ken* (new feat, see below), Kamehameha (new feat, see below), Ki, Power Attack*, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Renown, Shao-Lin (Muten Roshi) Kung Fu, Unbalance Opponent*, Weapon Focus (kamehameha), Weapon Focus (unarmed strike), Wild Talent (Detect Psionics [Ki])
          * Bonus feats acquired from the Legend template.
          Note: Having been raised as human, Kakarot is unique in that he receives the standard bonus feat normally assigned a human, even though he is biologically saiyan. Kakarot was never exposed to his native tongue.
          Note: Feats listed in italics were taken from the Blood and Fists supplement.
Skills (core) Autohypnosis +8, Balance +10, Climb +12, Concentration +12 (+4 to manifest powers on defensive), Jump +18, Hide +8, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (current events) +1, Meditation +6, Move Silently +8, Read/Write English, Read/Write Japanese, Ride +8, Speak English, Speak Japanese, Spot +6, Swim +12, Tumble +8, Zen Mastery +6
Skills (house) Athletics +22, Control +20 (+4 to manifest powers on defensive), Knowledge (current events) +1, Meditation +6, Perceive +6, Persuade +3, Read/Write English, Read/Write Japanese, Ride +8, Sneak +10, Speak English, Speak Japanese, Tumble +8, Zen Mastery +6
          Note: Having been raised as human, Kakarot is unique in that he receives the standard skill points normally assigned a human, even though he is biologically saiyan. Ranks for each skill above are listed in parentheses.
Talents (Strong Hero) Improved Melee Smash, Melee Smash
Talents (Martial Artist) Flurry of Blows, Flying Kick, Iron Fist
Talents (Battle Mind) Combat Manifestation, Imprint Being (new feature, see below), Improved Psi-Blade, Psi-Blade, Psychic (Ki) Shield
Power Points 17
Battle Mind Powers Known (3/3/2/1): 0 (10/day)—burst, missive, verve; 1st (1 pt)—combat precognition (+1 insight to Defense), energy blasts (new power, see below), propel (new power, see below); 2nd (3 pts)—combat focus (+4 insight on initiative), combat prescience (+2 insight on attacks); 3rd (5 pts)—spirit bomb (“Genkidama”, new power, see below)
Starting Occupation (core) Adventurer (Move Silently, Ride as permanent class skills; Archaic Weapons Proficiency)
Starting Occupation (house) Adventurer (Ride, Stealth as permanent class skills; Archaic Weapons Proficiency)
Possessions (carried weight 250 lb) Muten Roshi karate gi (specially weighted to keep Goku in peak physical shape; 250 lb.), bag of senzu beans (usually contains 5 beans; eating 1 bean restores 100 hp or 50% of the eater’s hp, whichever is higher, up to their normal maximum; you can only benefit from 1 senzu bean per day)
Wealth Bonus +7

Species Traits
          Saiyans are a space-faring, warrior race of extraterrestrial bipedal near-humans who are naturally gifted in ki-related powers and abilities and possess prehensile tails with a hidden power. They often fight wearing battle armor and in loose co-affiliated units dispatched for specific mission purposes.
          Saiyans speak Saiyan.
          All saiyan powers are extraordinary in nature unless otherwise noted.
          Ability Modifiers: They receive species bonuses of +16 to Strength, +8 to Dexterity, and +8 to Constitution.
          Size: Medium. As a medium-size creature, saiyans have no special modifiers due to their size.
          Movement: Their base speed is 30 feet.
          Prehensile Tail: Saiyans may hold handheld objects or hang from their 3 to 5-ft long dark, furry tails, as they would a regular upper appendage. They cannot make attacks or use weapons with their tails. Normally, their tails use the same Defense as their bodies, but the tails can be targeted separately and may become amputated if a DC 25 bursting Str check or 10+ slashing damage is dealt to them at one time. If lost, the saiyan suffers 1 point of temporary Con damage, but no permanent hit point or ability score loss. See the “great ape transformation” below for more on the hidden power contained within saiyan tails.
          Naturally Psionic: Saiyans gain 1 bonus power point at 1st level.
          Note: Psionic powers are essentially equivalent to ki powers as depicted in DBZ.
          Deep Well of Power: Once per round as a move action, Saiyans can convert hit points up to their massive damage threshold into power points a number of times per day equal to their Wisdom modifier (5 max).
          Versatile Power: Once per round, saiyans can freely exchange 3 power points for a daily use of ki or spell-like ability, etc., or vice versa.
          Power Resistance: Saiyans have a natural power resistance of 5 + one half their character level. [LA +1/2]
          Repletion (Su): By expending 1 power point, a saiyan does not need to eat or drink for 24 hours.
          Resilience (Su): As an immediate action, a saiyan can reduce the damage he is about to take by 2 hit points for every 1 power point spent.
          Resistance (Su): As an immediate action, a saiyan can spend 1 power point to gain a +4 racial bonus on saving throws until the beginning of their next turn.
          Great ape transformation (Su): Only saiyans with tails may involuntarily transform into monstrous ape creatures. This transformation to gargantuan size (30 ft tall) occurs only when they are exposed to the light of a full moon (or similar phenomena), and takes 2 rounds to complete. After which, treat the transformed saiyan as normal except: +80 temporary hit points; they gain 2 slam attacks (2d6 base damage) which replaces all other previous attack forms (no weapon use) with an added +8 to hit and +12 to damage (double damage to objects and structures) and on Str checks; -6 to Defense; damage reduction 15/— (except for their tail); face and reach of 20 ft; +20 feet to base speed, half that as a new climb speed; the great ape form is virtually mindless and cannot communicate or use any Int, Wis, or Cha-based skills, no feats, no spell casting or psionics (although great apes are also immune to most spells and psionics), and any non-magical worn clothes or armor is shredded and ruined during the process (the GM may choose to NPC your character). Attacking and severing the tail with a slashing attack (Defense 20, 10 hit points; any damage less than 10 heals immediately) will cause the saiyan to do nothing other than writhe and revert to their original nude form over the course of 2 rounds. Severed tails have an 8% chance to grow back any time the character is frightened or in mortal peril.
          Super saiyan transformation (Su): Only saiyans with the Legend template can transform into super saiyans. Transforming also requires 1+ of the following prerequisites: A) The saiyan must have fewer than half their maximum hit points remaining and succeed on a DC 30 Concentration/Control check; or B) succeed on a DC 30 Concentration/Control check, if the saiyan has transformed before; and C) the saiyan must expend an action point and a full-round action. Upon transforming, the saiyan immediately receives +5 power points or 2 additional ki uses, up to the daily maximum; has all movement rates doubled; receives +5 to Str, Dex, and Con scores; double massive damage threshold; gets Damage Reduction 20/—; and receives 3 temporary hit points per character level (these are always expended first). The saiyan can remain in this form for a number of rounds equal to the current power points plus 3 additional rounds per daily use of ki remaining, at the time of transformation.
          Challenger Rating: +5
          Advancement: By character class.
          Level Adjustment: +6

NEW Feat Kaio-Ken
          You can amplify your ki and increase critical threat range and damage, but not without higher risk.
          Prerequisites: Wis 15+, Improved Combat Martial Arts, Ki, Inner Power, a martial arts style
          Benefit: You can distribute up to your Wis modifier (max +5) to increase your critical hit threat range and/or damage multiplier for a single form of attack. These changes remain until the end of combat or until you have suffered damage equal to your threshold.
          However, increasing either or by more than 1 puts you at risk of greater strain or injury: any saves for half or no damage are instead at disadvantage (roll twice and take the worse result), and any natural 1s on attacks, checks, or saves cause temporary damage equal to your Wis modifier to be distributed among your ability scores, as desired.
          When you take this feat, you gain an additional daily use of Ki.

NEW Signature Martial Arts Maneuver Feat Kamehameha (Shao-Lin [Muten Roshi] Kung Fu)
          You channel your ki into a devastating ki wave beam.
          Prerequisites: Shao-Lin (Muten Roshi) Kung-Fu, Ki, Inner Strength, power points, BAB +8
          Benefit: As a full-round attack and expending a daily use of ki, you can unleash a ki wave beam that deals 8d6 force damage plus 1d6 additional damage per 2 power points spent or per daily use of ki exhausted. Its range increment is 50 feet (500 ft max). As a reaction, when you are aware of the attack and not flat-footed, the ki blast can be used defensively against other beam or ray attacks, negating any damage by the damage it would otherwise deal after expending power points or ki. The ki blast also acts as a free bull rush attempt against creature targets, and the kamehameha receives a +2 Str bonus on the opposed check as if you were charging, plus its effective size is scaled up from medium for every 2d6 of additional damage dice inflicted (up to colossal size at +8d6). This bull rush effect can alternatively be used to propel you backward from the origin and direction of the blast 5 feet for every 5 points by which the Str check beats DC 5.

NEW Class Feature (Battle Mind) Imprint Being [optionally replaces Imprint Tattoo]
          Starting at 2nd level, a Battle Mind can create an imprint of their psionic self onto another willing psionic being, combining their collective power to imbue one of them to greater power levels. An imprint is a single use psionic power that combines both manifesters’ level and psionic points to permit one of them to have access to a given power or boost its strength accordingly. This must be done when both manifesters are within 30 ft of each other, and the Autohypnosis/Control DC for achieving this link is 15 + the psionic power’s level + the higher character’s manifester level.
          The Battle Mind must also expend experience equal to the power level x their manifester level x 15 to achieve the imprint.
          At 5th level, the Battle Mind can imprint two different powers (paying the XP cost for the higher of the two). At 8th level, the Battle Mind can actually metaphysically fuse together with another willing being, creating a single separate psionically powered being where before there were two. In this case, you combine the best aspects of both characters to determine their fusion form.

NEW Psionic Power Energy Blasts
Dexterity [Force]
Level: Battle Mind 1; Display: Visual; Manifestation Time: Free action; Range: See description; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: Yes; Power Point Cost: 1
          You can collect psi-blade energy in your hand and throw them each round for as long as you can manifest them. Their range increment is 30 feet (150 ft max). They deal either piercing or force-based damage, your choice.

NEW Psionic Power Propel
Level: Battle Mind 1, Telepath 1; Display: Visual; Manifestation Time: Attack action; Range: Personal; Duration: Varies (D); Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: No; Power Point Cost: 1+ (variable)
          By expending a power point to manifest and then 1 additional at the end of each time interval thereafter to maintain, you are surrounded by a nimbus of color and can fly (good maneuverability) with a speed of 60 feet (240 feet as a “run”). The duration is 1 hour. This power may be manifested at a higher level. If manifested as 2nd level, costing 3 points at first and 1 at each interval, you can fly (perfect maneuverability) at 120 feet for 10 minutes. At 3rd, for 5 pts first and 2 pts later, the fly speed increases to 600 feet, but only for 1 minute. At 4th, for 7 pts and 3 pts, and instead as a move action, you can instantaneously appear 1 mile within sight of your present location each round.

NEW Psionic Power Spirit Bomb
Level: Battle Mind 3; Display: Visual; Manifestation Time: See description; Range: 30 ft.; Effect: Bolt; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: Yes; Power Point Cost: 5+
          By tapping into the ambient natural background of latent power in your environment, you may collect this energy into a massive hovering spirit ball to throw as a bomb. This requires spending the initial manifesting cost as a full-round action, and then additional full-round actions and power points up to 5 each round thereafter. Keep track of the initial power point cost and the running total each round. You must maintain concentration each round to do so. The spirit ball has a diameter of 10 feet per power point imbued/collected (up to 100 pts for 1,000 feet). For every 10 points contained in the energy ball, it will inflict 1d10 damage and can be launched up to 1,000 feet; this damage cannot be reduced by damage reduction or hardness. Unanchored creatures and objects within 10 miles of the ball’s target/epicenter will be knocked prone. Once the target(s) have taken damage, the ball slowly dissipates over the next 5 rounds, after which all the power points that you used to generate it return to you in full. However, you cannot generate a new spirit ball in the same environment again until 1 week has passed.

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